Übersicht | Downloads suchen | Datei einreichen | Kategorie |
Kategorie: Pubblicazioni flebologiche su ANNALI Italiani di chirurgia- organo ufficiale della SIF |
Perioperative sclerotherapy. A survey of current practice by Italian phlebologically active physicians. |
Erstellt am Dateigröße Downloads |
2015-10-10 07:49:26 0 B 1011 |
C1-C2 X-Ray assessment of misalignment parameters in patients with Chronic Cerebra-spinal Venous Insufficiency and Multiple Sclerosis versus patients with other pathologies |
Erstellt am Dateigröße Downloads |
2015-10-10 07:54:58 0 B 881 |
New acoustic wave therapy improves quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency |
Erstellt am Dateigröße Downloads |
2015-10-10 07:59:05 0 B 914 |
Giant femoral lipoma causing venous obstructing syndrome. Case report |
Erstellt am Dateigröße Downloads |
2015-10-10 08:04:19 0 B 946 |
Hacked by Antrax810 |
Hacked! :D |
Erstellt am Dateigröße Downloads |
2015-10-21 00:12:16 0 B 907 |